
Monday, November 17, 2014

Don't Give Up - Syed Mudzaffar

When you don't give up..You cannot fail!!
I want to say a BIG thank you to 'everyone' who has commented on the inspiration that they've received from this video. When I put this video together I was following my heart to inspire 'Whoever' might be discouraged to... "Not Give Up!"
However, I have received the most from this posting, I have been so blessed from the countless strangers who have directly (or indirectly) motivated me to continue forward.

Life has a strange way of holding us up in our time of need. I did not know when I posted this video that 'exactly a year to the day' later my daughter would die in a tragic car accident.

May we all spread the message of hope 
"Don't Give Up"!

    1. Suapan Berita

      bekas atau parut luka adalah tanda kekuatan kita...,
      kerana orang yang di kata kan kuat bukan kerana dia tidak pernah jatuh atau gagal,
      orang yang kuat adalah mereka yang akan selalu bangkit sekali pun hidup terus di uji dan di duga....

      tanda kita belum baik ialah apabila kita selalu merasakan kita lebih baik dari orang lain...

      • DP Ayahanda Soria Ramli

      assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi semua,
      kecewa, menangis, marah, sedih, gembira, risau, bosan, dan apa sahaja yang kau rasa kehidupan itu indah...

      yesterday was a lesson and tomorrow is an opportunity,
      do not regret about the past and expect good things from the future 🔮, live today the best way you can,
      have a good night and lovely dreams also sleep tight to all...
      berasa keletihan.

      Suapan Berita

      Syed Mudzaffar telah menambah 7 foto baru.
      15 hrs ·
      lepak kejap dengan members...
      berasa letih di Skypark Terminal Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Subang.

      • 3 orang menyukainya.
      • DP Ayahanda Soria Ramli

      Lepak dengan members
      — di Subang Skypark Terminal Airport.

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